TheStandard Token (TST): The Heart of Next-Generation DeFi Borrowing

TheStandard Token (TST): The Heart of Next-Generation DeFi Borrowing

TheStandard Token (TST): The Heart of Next-Generation DeFi Borrowing

The world of DeFi is ever-evolving, and stands at the forefront of this revolution. At the core of this innovative platform is TheStandard Token (TST), a powerful utility token designed to enhance user experience and foster a vibrant, decentralized ecosystem.

Key Benefits of TheStandard Token

Ongoing Staking Rewards

One of the standout features of TST is its role in distributing minting and burning fees to stakers. Whenever a loan is taken out or repaid, TST stakers receive a portion of these fees, creating a continuous reward mechanism. This incentivizes active participation and ensures that stakers are consistently rewarded for their involvement in the platform.

Exclusive Access to Liquidated Assets

TST holders enjoy unique opportunities to purchase liquidated assets at a 10% discount below market value. This benefit not only provides attractive investment opportunities but also reinforces the value proposition of holding TST, making it a desirable asset for those seeking exclusive deals.

Integral Platform Functions

The Standard Token is crucial for various platform functionalities, including collateral alarms, trading locked collateral, and enabling the sale of smart vaults as NFTs. These utility-driven features lead to the burning of TST, contributing to its scarcity and enhancing its long-term value.

Governance Participation

As a governance token, TST empowers its holders to participate in key decisions that shape the future of This community-driven approach ensures that the platform remains aligned with user interests and continues to innovate in the rapidly changing DeFi landscape.

Staking Rewards

Securing staking rewards is a major motivation for users to hold and stake TST. These rewards come from the protocol’s income distribution among stakers, primarily sourced from:

  • Minting fees collected from all Smart Vault loans
  • Burning fees accumulated when loans are repaid
  • Protocol-Controlled Value (PCV) fees from liquidity pools

Additionally, stakers gain exclusive access to liquidated Smart Vault assets at a discount of up to 10% below market value. To qualify for these rewards, stakers must engage in activities such as voting on governance issues and promoting The Standard through affiliate links. This ensures that stakers actively contribute to the platform’s growth and stability.

As the ecosystem expands to include new financial instruments like Multiply Vaults, additional income streams are expected to emerge, further incentivizing TST staking and reducing token availability in secondary markets. By participating in this dynamic ecosystem, stakers not only support the platform's stability but also have the opportunity to earn substantial rewards.

Governance Concept’s governance framework has been carefully crafted to ensure security, decentralization, and efficiency. TST holders have the authority to participate in governance through off-chain voting on Voting power is proportional to the number of tokens held, aligning with game theory principles that discourage large token holders from engaging in harmful actions.

The protocol aims to achieve a critical mass of token holders to safeguard against centralization risks. Active participation in governance allows TST holders to influence the protocol’s direction, fostering a robust ecosystem responsive to the evolving needs of the DeFi landscape.

Voting Subjects

TST holders can vote on a variety of subjects simultaneously, with each token granting one vote per subject. Initially, voting topics will be limited as the core team will make early decisions. However, as the platform evolves, more subjects will be opened for community voting, empowering holders to play a pivotal role in the protocol’s development.

Embrace the Future with TheStandard Token

TheStandard Token is more than just a utility token; it is the key to unlocking a groundbreaking DeFi lending solution. By holding and staking TST, users become part of an innovative platform that aims to redefine the industry and deliver exceptional value. 

You can purchase TST here via Ramses or direct on Paraswap.

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