The Ultimate Due Diligence Report on BITCOIN CASH Token (BCH)

The Ultimate Due Diligence Report on BITCOIN CASH Token (BCH)

1. Executive Summary

Overview of the BITCOIN CASH token and its unique value proposition.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) emerged in 2017 through a hard fork from the Bitcoin blockchain, driven by disagreements within the Bitcoin community regarding network scalability. Some developers advocated for larger block sizes to enhance transaction throughput.

Key attributes of Bitcoin Cash include a larger block size limit (32MB) for quicker transactions and increased throughput, its goal to function as a scalable digital cash system in line with the original Bitcoin whitepaper, and its independent proof-of-work blockchain with dedicated miners. BCH is actively traded on major exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken under the BCH ticker symbol.

Despite its strengths, Bitcoin Cash encounters challenges such as lower acceptance compared to Bitcoin for transactions, a split in 2018 resulting in Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin SV due to block size disputes, and historically lower pricing than Bitcoin, currently hovering around $455 per BCH. In essence, Bitcoin Cash aims to offer a more scalable payment solution than Bitcoin but grapples with adoption hurdles and internal divisions. Its distinctive value proposition lies in larger blocks facilitating faster transactions, albeit with trade-offs in decentralization and security compared to Bitcoin.

Brief summary of the investment opportunities of BITCOIN CASH.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) presents several potential investment opportunities:

The successful BCH halving event on April 3, 2024, reduced token supply, driving the price up 14% to a 3-year high of $700. Notably, miners accumulated $242 million worth of BCH in the days leading up to the halving, suggesting optimism among key stakeholders.

BCH's availability on major exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken under the BCH ticker symbol allows investors to easily acquire the cryptocurrency. The ability to directly purchase BCH on these platforms lowers barriers to entry.

BCH's aim to function as a scalable digital cash system with larger block sizes for faster transactions compared to Bitcoin could be a compelling value proposition. If BCH succeeds in this goal, it may drive increased adoption and potentially favorable price movements.

However, BCH faces notable challenges, such as lower acceptance for payments compared to Bitcoin and internal divisions that led to a split in 2018. Historically, BCH has traded at a significant discount to Bitcoin.

In summary, while the recent BCH halving, exchange availability, and scalability focus present investment opportunities, adoption challenges and price volatility remain risks. Investors should carefully weigh these factors when considering BCH as a potential investment.

2. BITCOIN CASH Overview

Mission and Vision: BITCOIN CASH long-term objectives.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) strives to function as a scalable digital cash system by utilizing larger block sizes to expedite transactions when contrasted with Bitcoin. Its overarching goals involve improving transaction speed and throughput to enable smooth peer-to-peer electronic cash transactions. BCH is committed to upholding its utility as a convenient payment method, underscoring its foundation in the initial Bitcoin code, while tackling scalability hurdles to promote broad acceptance and utilization in daily transactions.

Problem Statement: Challenges or gaps BITCOIN CASH aims to address.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) aims to address several challenges and gaps in the cryptocurrency space:

Scalability: BCH seeks to enhance scalability by implementing larger block sizes compared to Bitcoin, enabling faster transactions and increased throughput.

Adoption: BCH endeavors to bridge the knowledge gap and foster wider adoption by offering a practical cryptocurrency for everyday transactions, emphasizing its functionality as a digital cash system.

Regulatory Compliance: Addressing taxation and reporting regulations is crucial for BCH adoption. Complex tax rules in European countries can hinder compliance and limit acceptance as a legitimate form of payment.

Financial Institutions Integration: Overcoming the reluctance of traditional financial institutions to embrace cryptocurrencies is vital for BCH's widespread acceptance. While some institutions are gradually warming up to offering cryptocurrency services, broader integration is needed.

Public Perception and Education: BCH recognizes the importance of public opinion and education in driving acceptance. Efforts to educate the public on the benefits and risks of cryptocurrencies are essential to build trust and encourage investment and usage.

In summary, Bitcoin Cash aims to address scalability issues, promote adoption through practical use cases, navigate regulatory challenges, integrate with traditional financial institutions, and enhance public understanding to drive broader acceptance and utilization of the cryptocurrency.

Solution: How the BITCOIN CASH proposes to solve these problems.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) proposes several solutions to address the scalability challenges faced by the Bitcoin network:

Increasing Block Size: BCH has implemented a larger block size limit of 32MB compared to Bitcoin's 1MB. This allows BCH to process more transactions per block, increasing throughput. However, larger blocks require more computational resources to mine, potentially leading to increased centralization.

Scalable Mining Difficulty: BCH employs a scalable mining difficulty algorithm that adjusts based on the number of miners on the network. When fewer miners are operating, the difficulty becomes easier, ensuring transactions are still processed quickly. This helps maintain consistent transaction processing speeds.

Off-Chain Solutions: BCH supports the use of the Lightning Network, an off-chain scaling solution that enables instant, fee-free transactions. By moving smaller transactions off the main blockchain, the Lightning Network can help improve overall scalability.

Adoption of Efficient Technologies: BCH aims to adopt technologies like Schnorr signatures and Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees (MAST) to optimize transaction processing and reduce computational overhead. These improvements can increase throughput without placing extra demand on the network.

Continuous Development: BCH developers are actively working on further scaling solutions, such as Graphene and Xtreme Thinblocks, to improve block propagation and reduce bandwidth requirements. The goal is to find a combination of solutions that can effectively scale the network to support widespread adoption.

While BCH's larger block size provides a short-term scalability boost, it is still limited in its ability to compete with traditional payment networks in terms of transactions per second. Ongoing research and development are necessary to develop more robust scaling solutions that can maintain decentralization while significantly increasing throughput.

3. Technology and Product

Technical Architecture: BITCOIN CASH Overview of the blockchain and other technologies used.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) emerged as a separate cryptocurrency from Bitcoin in 2017, utilizing a technical framework akin to Bitcoin but with notable distinctions:


Bitcoin Cash, like its predecessor Bitcoin, upholds a decentralized ledger known as a blockchain to document all transactions. Transactions are organized into blocks and sequentially appended to the chain, overseen by a network of nodes operating the Bitcoin Cash software.

Block Size

A significant departure lies in Bitcoin Cash's enlargement of the block size limit from 1MB to 8MB. This adjustment aims to accommodate more transactions per block, thereby enhancing transaction speed and scalability in contrast to Bitcoin's constraints.

Consensus Mechanism

Employing the same Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash relies on miners to validate transactions and add blocks by solving intricate cryptographic puzzles. The first miner to solve the puzzle earns the right to append the next block and receives newly minted BCH tokens as a reward.


Aligned with Bitcoin's ethos, Bitcoin Cash prioritizes decentralization, devoid of a single point of failure. The network's integrity is upheld by nodes globally running open-source software, fortifying its resilience against censorship or control by any singular entity.


Bitcoin Cash has encountered forks, exemplified by the Bitcoin SV hard fork in 2018, leading to the creation of a distinct cryptocurrency. Forks materialize when community discord arises over protocol upgrades.

In essence, Bitcoin Cash mirrors Bitcoin's blockchain architecture while introducing modifications such as expanded block sizes to bolster scalability. It upholds the decentralized, peer-to-peer essence of the original Bitcoin network.

Product Offering: BITCOIN CASH Description of the product or service, including its development stage.

The Grayscale Bitcoin Cash Trust (BCHG) is an investment product that focuses on Bitcoin Cash (BCH), offering investors exposure to BCH without the complexities associated with directly buying, storing, and securing the cryptocurrency. BCHG's objective is to mirror the market price of BCH while factoring in fees and expenses. Bitcoin Cash functions on a decentralized network, enabling peer-to-peer transactions with BCH tokens recorded on a transparent public blockchain.

As part of Grayscale's suite of digital asset investment offerings, BCHG serves as a passive investment avenue for Bitcoin Cash within the current stage of its market development. Initially introduced as a private placement for accredited investors, BCHG has transitioned to public quotation, making it accessible to a broader investor base. Notably, BCHG stands out as the first SEC-reporting entity in the cryptocurrency sector, ensuring enhanced transparency and regulatory supervision.

Grayscale envisions that its SEC-reporting products, including BCHG, lay a solid foundation for potential conversion to an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) once regulatory conditions in the United States permit. This evolution would facilitate continuous creation and redemption processes, aligning the product's performance more closely with the value of its underlying assets.

Innovation: How BITCOIN CASH innovates or improves upon existing solutions.

Bitcoin Cash introduces advancements and enhancements to existing solutions across various aspects:


By notably increasing the block size limit from 1MB to 8MB, and subsequently to 32MB, Bitcoin Cash enables more transactions to be accommodated in each block, enhancing scalability compared to Bitcoin's 1MB blocks. The expanded block sizes empower BCH to process a higher volume of transactions per second.

Low Fees

Leveraging its larger blocks, Bitcoin Cash maintains minimal transaction fees, often below $0.01. This cost-effectiveness makes BCH well-suited for micropayments and everyday purchases, contrasting with Bitcoin's occasionally higher transaction fees, which can exceed $30.

Smart Contracts

Bitcoin Cash facilitates smart contracts and decentralized applications through technologies like CashScript and the SmartBCH sidechain. SmartBCH's compatibility with Ethereum's EVM enables developers to construct BCH-based dApps, broadening the capabilities of the BCH network.

Decentralized Development

Bitcoin Cash benefits from the involvement of multiple independent development teams dedicated to enhancing the protocol. This decentralized development model shields BCH from potential political interference, ensuring that no single entity dictates the future direction of Bitcoin Cash.


Bitcoin Cash has garnered substantial adoption, boasting over 17 million holders and active wallets. Integration with major exchanges and payment processors underscores BCH's ambition to serve as a practical, widely used cryptocurrency for everyday transactions.

In essence, Bitcoin Cash's innovations in on-chain scalability, cost efficiency, smart contract support, decentralized development, and widespread adoption align it closely with the original vision of Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

BITCOIN CASH Token Roadmap: Development Milestones, Past Achievements, and Future Goals.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has made significant advancements in its development, focusing on scalability, low fees, smart contracts, decentralized development, and real-world adoption. Here are some key milestones and future goals:

Past Achievements

Increased the block size limit from 1MB to 8MB, and later to 32MB, allowing for more transactions per block and improving scalability.

Maintained low transaction fees, often less than $0.01, making BCH suitable for micropayments and everyday purchases.

Supported smart contracts and decentralized applications through technologies like CashScript and the SmartBCH sidechain.

Embraced a decentralized development approach with multiple independent teams of developers providing software implementations, ensuring the future is secure and resistant to political and social attacks on protocol development.

Achieved significant adoption, with over 17 million holders and active wallets, and integration with major exchanges and payment processors.

Development Milestones

Ongoing research to enable massive future increases in block size, further enhancing scalability.

Development of SmartBCH, a sidechain compatible with Ethereum's EVM, allowing developers to build BCH-based decentralized applications.

Implementation of a staking system that incentivizes users to deposit their tokens on the platform in exchange for passive income, gradually reducing the circulating supply of BCH and enhancing its overall supply and demand dynamics.

Future Goals

Continue to improve scalability and transaction processing capacity to support widespread adoption.

Enhance smart contract capabilities and decentralized application development on the BCH network.

Increase adoption and integration with more exchanges, payment processors, and merchants to establish BCH as a practical, everyday cryptocurrency for payments.

Foster a community-driven development process, with multiple independent teams working on the protocol, to ensure the future of BCH is secure and resistant to political and social attacks.

In summary, Bitcoin Cash has made significant progress in its development, with a focus on scalability, low fees, smart contracts, decentralized development, and real-world adoption. Its future goals include further improving scalability, expanding smart contract capabilities, increasing adoption, and maintaining a community-driven development approach.

4. Market Analysis of BITCOIN CASH

Target Market: Size, demographics, and behavior of the potential market.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) targets a market comprising more than 17 million holders and active wallets. The characteristics of this market are as follows:


Bitcoin Cash boasts a market capitalization exceeding $4 billion, positioning it as the 15th largest cryptocurrency.

It represents over 0.4% of the total cryptocurrency market.


The BCH community is diverse and global, attracting users from various regions worldwide.

It caters to individuals seeking a decentralized, peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

Investors are attracted to Bitcoin Cash due to its low fees, rapid transaction speeds, and scalability.


BCH users are incentivized by a blend of intrinsic factors, such as belief in the technology, and extrinsic factors, like the potential for investment returns.

The motivations to invest in BCH are significantly influenced by factors like locus of control and self-efficacy.

Risk preference plays a role in extrinsic motivation, with some investors enticed by the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.


Bitcoin Cash has seamless integration with major exchanges and payment processors, facilitating its adoption in real-world transactions.

Merchants incentivize the use of BCH by offering discounts for payments made with the cryptocurrency.

In essence, Bitcoin Cash targets a global market encompassing over 17 million users attracted to its peer-to-peer cash system, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. Investors are driven by a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, with considerations like locus of control, self-efficacy, and risk preference influencing their investment decisions. BCH's strategy includes fostering real-world adoption through integrations with key platforms and merchant incentives.

Competitive Landscape: Analysis of competitors and BITCOIN CASH'S position in the market.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) operates within a highly competitive landscape, where it competes directly with Bitcoin (BTC) and other prominent cryptocurrencies. Here is an analysis of BCH's market position:

Competitive Environment

Bitcoin Cash faces stiff competition from Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, which may impact its popularity.

BCH holds a market capitalization of over $4 billion, ranking it as the 15th largest cryptocurrency with a market dominance of over 0.4%.

In contrast, Bitcoin dominates the market with a capitalization of over $1 trillion and a market share of over 47%.

Technical Advantages

Bitcoin Cash boasts faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin, making it an attractive option for users seeking efficiency.

BCH's block size of 32MB is significantly larger than Bitcoin's 1MB, allowing for more transactions to be processed per block.

The cryptocurrency supports smart contracts and decentralized applications through technologies like CashScript and the SmartBCH sidechain, expanding its functionality.

BCH's decentralized development approach, with multiple independent teams contributing to the protocol, makes it more resilient to political and social attacks on its development.

Adoption and Integration

Bitcoin Cash has a user base of over 17 million holders and active wallets, although this is significantly lower than Bitcoin's user base of over 100 million.

BCH is integrated with major exchanges and payment processors, enabling its use in real-world transactions. However, its adoption remains limited compared to Bitcoin.

To incentivize adoption, merchants offer discounts for payments made with BCH.

Future Outlook

The future success of Bitcoin Cash depends on various factors, including technological advancements, competition, regulatory environments, and its ability to drive adoption.

It remains to be seen whether BCH can gain significant market share from Bitcoin and other established cryptocurrencies, given the intense competition in the market.

In summary, while Bitcoin Cash has some technical advantages and a sizable user base, it faces significant competition from Bitcoin and other major players in the cryptocurrency market. Its success will depend on its ability to drive adoption, differentiate itself through innovations like smart contracts, and navigate the complex regulatory environment.

Market Trends: Current and anticipated trends that could affect BITCOIN CASH.

Various current and anticipated market trends may influence Bitcoin Cash (BCH) in the foreseeable future:

Regulatory Landscape

The regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies remains ambiguous and could have a substantial impact on BCH's future trajectory. Unfavorable regulations or crackdowns have the potential to impede adoption and hinder price growth.

Competition from Alternative Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin Cash faces fierce competition from established players like Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum. Failure to differentiate itself or capture significant market share could limit its growth prospects.

Institutional Acceptance

The increasing acceptance and investment by financial institutions in BCH could enhance its credibility and value. However, the speed of institutional adoption remains uncertain.

Technological Progress

Continued research to enable significant future increases in block size could further enhance BCH's scalability. Successful implementation of these advancements may drive adoption and price appreciation.

Macroeconomic Influences

Broader economic events, including inflation rates, currency devaluation, and global crises, can sway investor sentiment towards cryptocurrencies like BCH, impacting its market value.

Impact of Bitcoin Halving

The recent halving event in Bitcoin, reducing miner rewards by 50%, may exert selling pressure on BCH and other cryptocurrencies in the short term. The long-term repercussions are yet to be fully understood.

Potential for ETF Adoption

The approval of Bitcoin ETFs has historically spurred price surges, particularly post-halving events. The introduction of BCH-based ETFs could attract substantial investments and propel price growth. In essence, while Bitcoin Cash possesses technical strengths and growth potential, its future performance hinges on effectively navigating a complex landscape characterized by regulatory uncertainties, competitive dynamics, macroeconomic factors, and the broader adoption of cryptocurrencies and associated financial instruments.

5. Team and Advisors

Backgrounds: Experience and expertise of BITCOIN CASH founding team and key members.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) emerged in 2017 through a hard fork from Bitcoin, with a founding team and key members that include:

Roger Ver, renowned as "Bitcoin Jesus," is an early backer of Bitcoin startups and a vocal advocate for Bitcoin Cash. He began investing in Bitcoin ventures as early as 2011.

Jihan Wu, the co-founder of Bitmain, a prominent Bitcoin mining hardware producer, played a significant role in supporting Bitcoin Cash during its initial stages.

Craig Wright, an Australian computer scientist and entrepreneur, controversially claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, and is a notable proponent of Bitcoin Cash.

Amaury Séchet, a skilled French programmer, serves as the lead developer of Bitcoin ABC, the primary Bitcoin Cash full node software. His contributions were pivotal in the establishment of Bitcoin Cash.

Despite Bitcoin Cash's objective to enhance Bitcoin by increasing block size for quicker and more cost-effective transactions, it has faced challenges in achieving widespread adoption compared to Bitcoin. The founding team excels in Bitcoin mining, investment, and development, yet their efforts to promote broader acceptance of Bitcoin Cash have encountered limitations thus far.

BITCOIN CASH Advisory Board: Influence and contribution of the advisors.

The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) advisory board features influential figures such as Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Craig Wright, and Amaury Séchet, who likely contribute strategic guidance, technical expertise, and promotional support to BCH.

Roger Ver, affectionately known as "Bitcoin Jesus," is an early Bitcoin investor and prominent BCH advocate. He likely provides strategic direction and assists in driving BCH adoption.

Jihan Wu, co-founder of mining hardware company Bitmain, was a significant supporter of BCH in its formative stages. Bitmain's mining capabilities likely gave BCH an initial advantage.

Craig Wright controversially claims to be Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. While his advisory role remains unclear, his support lends a degree of credibility to BCH.

Amaury Séchet, the lead developer of Bitcoin ABC, the primary BCH implementation, played a pivotal role in BCH's creation. His technical expertise is indispensable.

However, the advisory board's ability to propel widespread BCH adoption has been limited thus far. Despite its aim to enable faster and more cost-effective transactions through larger block sizes, BCH has struggled to gain ground compared to Bitcoin.

The specific nature of the advisors' roles, their level of involvement, and the precise ways they have influenced BCH's development and adoption are not well-documented. Greater transparency surrounding the advisory board's structure and activities could aid in assessing its impact.

Team Structure: BITCOIN CASH Effectiveness of the team's organization and communication.

The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) team structure is diverse, including key members like free trader, Calin Culianu, emergent reasons, im_uname, Fernando Pelliccioni, and more. The team's effectiveness in organization and communication is crucial for BCH's development and adoption. However, the specific dynamics of their collaboration, coordination, and communication within the team are not explicitly outlined in the provided sources. Understanding how the team's structure influences decision-making, development processes, and overall progress could shed light on the effectiveness of their organization and communication within the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.

6. BITCOIN CASH Tokenomics and Financials

BITCOIN CASH Utility: The purpose and use cases for BITCOIN CASH tokens.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) emerged in 2017 through a hard fork from Bitcoin to tackle scalability issues, facilitating quicker and more cost-effective transactions via increased block sizes. BCH tokens serve various purposes:

Peer-to-Peer Transactions: BCH functions as a swift, decentralized currency with minimal fees, ideal for daily transactions. Tools like CashShuffle and CashFusion enhance privacy by obscuring transaction details.

Staking and Governance: Bitcoin Cash ABC offers staking rewards, enabling token holders to secure the network and engage in governance decisions.

Token Creation and Smart Contracts: The eCash network (formerly Bitcoin Cash ABC) empowers developers to mint tokens and deploy smart contracts efficiently with low fees.

Practical Use: Bitcoin Cash upholds Bitcoin's original vision as a rapid, decentralized currency with nominal fees, catering to everyday spending, online microtransactions, international payments, and investment opportunities in the crypto market.

In essence, Bitcoin Cash tokens offer a practical, swift, and cost-effective alternative to Bitcoin for daily transactions, complemented by functionalities in staking, governance, token generation, and smart contract execution.

BITCOIN CASH Distribution: Allocation of tokens (e.g., team, advisors, public sale).


Financial Model: BITCOIN CASH Revenue streams, cost structure, and profitability projections.


BITCOIN CASH Funding History: Previous funding rounds, investors, and current valuation.


7. BITCOIN CASH Community and Ecosystem

Community Engagement: Size, growth, and engagement levels of the community.

The Bitcoin Cash community is described as passionate and engaged, but smaller in size and influence compared to the Bitcoin community. The community has faced internal debates and controversies that have impacted BCH's development and adoption trajectory.

BITCOIN CASH Partnerships: Strategic alliances and partnerships.

Bitcoin Cash has formed strategic alliances and partnerships to enhance its ecosystem. Notably, Mastercard partnered with Bakkt to facilitate crypto payments, aiming to issue debit and credit cards for seamless transactions. This collaboration aims to boost crypto adoption among financial institutions and merchants. Additionally, Bitcoin Cash's partnerships extend to the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technology, aligning with the evolving landscape of digital currencies and financial services.

Network Effects: BITCOIN CASH The project's strategy for achieving and benefiting from network effects.

Bitcoin Cash's strategy for achieving and benefiting from network effects involves:

Scalability and Usability

Increasing block sizes to process more transactions efficiently

Lowering transaction fees to enhance usability and attract more users and merchants

On-Chain Scaling Approach

Focusing on on-chain scaling solutions, in contrast to Bitcoin's off-chain scaling approach

Partnerships and Technological Improvements

Forming strategic partnerships to boost adoption and utility

Continuously improving technology to foster widespread acceptance as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system

By leveraging these strategies, Bitcoin Cash aims to establish a robust network effect, driving growth and adoption through increased scalability, usability, and acceptance as a viable digital currency.

8.BITCOIN CASH Risks and Challenges

Market Risks:

Exposure to market volatility and competitive threats.

Market Volatility

Bitcoin Cash is highly volatile, with prices fluctuating rapidly. Investors could lose a large amount or even all of their investment in a short period.

Regulatory Risks

The regulatory landscape for Bitcoin Cash is uncertain, with governments still grappling with how to classify and regulate digital currencies. Sudden regulatory changes could affect Bitcoin Cash's value and disrupt the market.

Cybersecurity Risks

Bitcoin Cash is stored in digital wallets that can be vulnerable to hacking and theft. Investors must use reputable and secure platforms to protect their holdings.

Lack of Adoption

Despite partnerships and technological improvements, Bitcoin Cash may struggle to achieve widespread adoption and acceptance as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Its small network size compared to Bitcoin makes it more susceptible to attacks.

Concentration of Ownership

Ownership of Bitcoin Cash is highly concentrated, with a small number of addresses holding a significant portion of the total supply. This raises concerns about the decentralization and stability of the network.

Technical Risks: BITCOIN CASH Potential technical hurdles in development or deployment.

Here is a summarized and rephrased version of the technical risks and challenges facing Bitcoin Cash:

Cybersecurity Risks

Storing Bitcoin Cash in digital wallets poses vulnerability to hacking and theft, necessitating the use of secure platforms for safeguarding investments.

Scalability Concerns

Bitcoin Cash's reliance on larger block sizes for on-chain scaling may not fully support broad adoption and usability, potentially leading to scalability issues compared to other blockchain solutions.

Network Centralization

The comparatively smaller size of the Bitcoin Cash network increases susceptibility to attacks and centralization worries, with ownership concentration raising decentralization questions.

Technical Complexity

The intricate nature of managing and utilizing cryptocurrency assets presents a significant challenge for new users, potentially impeding widespread adoption and usability of Bitcoin Cash.

Fork Risks and Compatibility

The possibility of future forks or network divisions, akin to Bitcoin Cash's inception, could result in technical incompatibilities and ecosystem fragmentation.

BITCOIN CASH Regulatory Risks: Legal challenges that could impact the project's viability.

Regulatory Uncertainty

The lack of clear regulatory frameworks in many jurisdictions creates legal uncertainties for Bitcoin Cash. Sudden changes in government policies could affect the cryptocurrency's value and disrupt the market.

Limited Legal Recourse

The decentralized nature of Bitcoin Cash provides investors with limited legal recourse in case of disputes, theft, or fraud. The absence of a centralized authority complicates dispute resolution processes.

Jurisdictional Complexities

The transnational nature of blockchain technology presents complex jurisdictional issues, with conflicting legal frameworks across different countries and difficulties in determining applicable laws for Bitcoin Cash transactions. This lack of clarity can lead to legal ambiguities for users and businesses operating in the cryptocurrency space.

Smart Contract Legal Validity

The legal validity and enforceability of smart contracts, a key feature of Bitcoin Cash's blockchain, remain uncertain due to the absence of clear federal laws defining their legal status. This ambiguity could result in lengthy litigation processes related to the execution of smart contracts.

Illicit Activities and Cybersecurity Risks

The anonymity and decentralization of Bitcoin Cash can attract users involved in illegal activities, raising concerns about data theft and financial fraud. The inherent cybersecurity risks associated with digital wallets highlight the need for robust security measures to protect investors' holdings.

Other Risks: Any other potential risks not covered above on BITCOIN CASH.

Transaction Processing Limitations

Bitcoin Cash faces scalability hurdles due to constraints in the number of transactions processed per second, which can affect transaction speeds and fees.

Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

Ongoing security threats, such as cyberattacks, double-spending attacks, and wallet breaches, pose risks to the integrity and safety of the Bitcoin Cash network.

Network Size Disadvantage

Bitcoin Cash's smaller network size compared to Bitcoin makes it more vulnerable to attacks, potentially jeopardizing its stability and security.

Price Fluctuation Risks

Cryptocurrency markets, including Bitcoin Cash, are characterized by high volatility, leading to rapid price changes that can result in significant gains or losses for investors.

User Adoption Barriers

The technical complexities involved in managing and utilizing cryptocurrency assets can be challenging for new users, potentially hindering widespread adoption and usability of Bitcoin Cash.

Addressing these challenges is crucial for Bitcoin Cash to maintain its viability and relevance in the dynamic cryptocurrency landscape.



Faster Transactions: Bitcoin Cash offers faster transaction times compared to Bitcoin, enhancing its usability as a payment system.

Increased Capacity: Larger block sizes enable more transactions, supporting higher volumes of activity on the network.

Strategic Partnerships: Partnerships with payment processors and merchants help drive adoption and increase the use cases for Bitcoin Cash.


Smaller Network: Bitcoin Cash's smaller network size compared to Bitcoin can lead to lower liquidity and increased vulnerability to attacks.

Concentrated Ownership: The concentration of ownership among a few large holders raises concerns about decentralization and the potential for manipulation.

Scalability Challenges: Despite larger block sizes, Bitcoin Cash still faces ongoing scalability challenges that need to be addressed.


Payment System Adoption: Bitcoin Cash has the potential to increase its adoption as a payments system, particularly in regions with limited financial infrastructure.

Financial Institution Partnerships: Partnerships with financial institutions and merchants can help drive adoption and increase the use cases for Bitcoin Cash.

Technological Advancements: Continued technological improvements can enhance scalability, usability, and security, further increasing the appeal of Bitcoin Cash.


Regulatory Uncertainty: Regulatory uncertainty and legal challenges in some jurisdictions can impact the adoption and use of Bitcoin Cash.

Competition: Competition from other cryptocurrencies and payment systems can erode Bitcoin Cash's market share and adoption.

Cybersecurity Risks: The smaller network size of Bitcoin Cash increases its vulnerability to cybersecurity risks and potential attacks.

Market Volatility: High market volatility and the risk of substantial price fluctuations can make Bitcoin Cash a risky investment.


10. How BITCOIN CASH works with

Possible collateral type:

The Standard protocol allows users to leverage BITCOIN CASH as collateral to secure loans in EUROs and, in the near future, USDs, without any interest charges. This non-custodial system ensures a secure and user-controlled experience.

11. BITCOIN CASH Conclusion and viability score

Final assessment and Score:

Viability Score: 2.5/5

While Bitcoin Cash has some advantages like faster transactions and lower fees, the challenges it faces in scalability, security, regulation, competition, and volatility make its long-term viability as a cryptocurrency questionable. More work is needed to address these issues before BCH can be considered a truly viable alternative to Bitcoin or other payment systems.

Investors should carefully consider these risks and challenges before investing in Bitcoin Cash. Its future success is far from certain given the competitive landscape and technical hurdles it must overcome.

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